ERP stands for Enterprice Resource Planning, where companies can manage their operatory such us accounts payable/receivable, taxes, tresury, assets, among others. And in our case with blockchain integration or not.
URP stands for User Resource Planning, where users can govern their digital assets, multi wallet automatic reconciliation, basic accountancy, cost and net worth... among others.
You will be able to extend your main Ledger to others, and have maximum control over your company decisions.
With multi user role management you can make your company more agile and keep control of the sub-modules. And with multi-module integration you can interact with different parts of your organization and keep track of the procceses, accountancy and costs.
You can have knowldge of your CEX crypto operations on your main crypto Exchanges and integrate/reconcialiate them automatically on your acountancy.
We offer a reliable and simple system so DAOs (Decentralized Autonomus Organizations) can manage their governance process and operate financially decentralized with the tooling and infrastructure we provide.